FSC® is an international certification system for more sustainable forest management. The wood used for cardboard and paper with the FSC seal comes from forests that are managed more responsibly.
With globally valid standards, the unparalleled involvement of all relevant interest groups and the support of renowned companies and recognised independent environmental and social organisations, FSC is considered the most credible solution for sustainable forest management. The certificate is awarded following a successful audit by independent third parties, which is repeated at least once a year. The FSC system thus ensures that forests are utilised in accordance with the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations.
What does FSC achieve in Germany?
In Germany, around 1.55 million hectares of forest are FSC-certified and around 4,100 companies are certified according to the FSC standards (as of November 2023). In German forests, the FSC stands for, among other things, forest management that does not overexploit the forest, promotes biodiversity and acts transparently towards interested citizens and organisations. Clear-cutting during regular timber harvesting is prohibited and pesticides may only be used if this is required by law. FSC is committed to increasing natural mixed forests, conserving the forest floor and protecting rare species and ecosystems. As a result, FSC-certified forests are more stable in a changing climate and can absorb more CO2 long-term commitment. For the people in the forest, FSC ensures fair remuneration and more citizen participation in the forest.
Transparent and reliable
There is a consistently reliable process behind the FSC label: ten principles and 56 indicators have been developed on which the globally applicable FSC standards for forest management are based. Forests that are managed according to these standards can acquire the FSC certificate. The FSC also offers transparency, trademark security and information services for companies and organisations interested in good forest management.
At a glance: FSC worldwide in figures
- 159 million hectares are FSC-certified
- 58,101 FSC chain of custody certificates were awarded
- 1,713 FSC advertising licences are active
- 1,212 FSC members are represented in a total of 89 countries worldwide
Almost 30 years of FSC commitment to the forest
For 29 years, the FSC has been committed to promoting environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management. The independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation was founded in 1993 as part of the follow-up processes to the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. Today, FSC is represented by national working groups in almost 90 countries.
The information compiled here
come from the homepage fsc-germany.com.
Authorised representative
Michael Müller
+49 921 78 44-50
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i.V. I. Schuierer
+49 921 78 44-20
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Environmental protection
Isabell Schuierer
+49 921 78 44-20
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Occupational safety
Isabell Schuierer
+49 921 78 44-20
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